what precautions should you take after having a local anesthetic at the dentist

what precautions should you take after having a local anesthetic at the dentist

After having a local anesthetic at the dentist, it is important to take the following precautions:

  1. Avoid eating or drinking hot liquids for a few hours after the procedure, as the numbness in your mouth may make it difficult to feel if your food or drink is too hot.
  2. Avoid biting or chewing on the side of your mouth where the anesthetic was administered, as this can cause injury or damage to the area.
  3. Avoid checking to see if its still numb by biting the area or soft tissues
  4. Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking as it can cause bleeding and delay the healing process
  5. If you experience swelling, pain or bleeding in the area where the anesthetic was administered, contact your dentist right away.
  6. Follow your dentist’s post-operative instructions carefully and take any prescribed medication as directed.
  7. It’s essential to keep the area clean and avoid any hard, crunchy or sticky foods.
  8. Be careful not to bite your tongue or cheek as numbness may take a little while to wear off.

It’s important to note that these precautions may vary depending on the type of procedure you had and your dentist’s specific instructions. It’s always best to check with your dentist for further and specific guidance.

what precautions should you take after having a local anesthetic at the dentist – general advice


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