Fine Line Treatment

At Avondale House Dental Surgery we use a variety of techniques to achieve the best results for you. Following a consultation with you we will recommend the number of areas that need to be targeted, always with a natural result in mind.

Wrinkle fillers contain a naturally occurring protein that causes the muscles of the face to relax, consequently smoothing out any wrinkles for a more natural look.

Anti-Wrinkle therapy is a very popular treatment due to the speedy procedure times and undeniable results, we can treat both men and women with anti-wrinkle injections. If you have forehead lines, frown lines or wrinkles around your eyes which you wish to reduce then consider wrinkle fillers and muscle relaxers.

Treatment involves an experienced dentist making a series of small injections into the muscles of your face and can be completed normally in a few minutes.

Facial Fillers

Facial fillers, also known as dermal fillers, use a natural gel to smooth out wrinkles, folds or scars to give your face a younger, refreshed more plumped and smoother appearance. Fillers smooth moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds.

This treatment is generally used on the lower face for lines around the nose and mouth and lines around the lips (often called ‘smoker’s lines’). It can also be used to improve the appearance of scars or dents on the face and to give the lips a fuller appearance .

To book a consultation please call us 01889582080 or use our contact form.

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