Sports Guards


It’s a good idea to keep your precious teeth safe and sound while playing any sport that includes physical contact or moving objects. At Avondale House Dental Practice, we construct individually designed to fit you sports guards.Our Sports Guards are perfect for patients who want that added protection. Our guards are made from a strong, pliable material which fits perfectly over your teeth and gums to effectively cushion and reduce the chance from damage. They can also help shield and protect your jaw, as well as other delicate areas of the face such as the lips, tongue and cheeks.

Contact sports such as football, rugby, or those which include fast-moving balls such as cricket or lacrosse, can put your teeth in an extremely vulnerable position. Our sports guards provide a reassuring protective cover, blocking teeth from being knocked out and damaged. Many Schools recommend pupils have these for sports and PE our sports guards are custom made and fit more accurately than over the counter hot water moulded guards. Our Sports guards are available in a multitude of single colours , multicolours , pattern and design – Why not treat yourself to an individual and unique design. 

Dont want a traditional mould – feel traditional impressions make you gag – for a small premium we may be able to use our latest 3D scanner to digitally scan your teeth and take a mould free digital scan of your teeth instead.

You do not have to be an existing patient to have one of our bespoke sports guards made.

Rugeley dentist, Avondale House Dental Surgery can provide clear, single coloured, multicoloured and even your own individual design sports guards . To book a consultation, please book online or call us on 01889582080.