White Fillings


In addition to traditional silver fillings, Avondale House Dental Surgery in Rugeley, is able to provide a full range of cosmetic and tooth coloured fillings. Our dental practitioners know how to care for your teeth and give you that winning smile you deserve. We can provide an effective and cosmetically superior repair option for tooth decay or damage by offering white fillings.

White Fillings have a more natural looking appearance as they are made from tooth coloured materials. White fillings blend in more naturally with your own natural teeth. They aid the restoration of the structure of the damaged tooth, helping to prevent further breakage and damage whilst also providing a cosmetically superior result.

Our practice also provides traditional silver fillings. If you are considering tooth whitening we would recommend getting the tooth whitening done before carrying out any tooth coloured filling enhancements to your smile. 

Smile with confidence knowing that we can replace and restore silver fillings , chipped and broken teeth with cosmetically superior white fillings. To book a consultation, please book online or call us on 01889582080.

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